FIFA Club World Cup 2023™

Live streams, match highlights, exclusives and more!
Live streams, match highlights, exclusives and more!

We are living in uncertain times filled with conflicts and global crises. The world is divided.

The FIFA World Cup, through the power of football, will bring people together to cross borders, unite and celebrate together. Football Unites the World is a global movement to inspire, unite and develop through football.

The 2022 FIFA World Cup is a unique opportunity in history to harness all that football is to connect the world

Football is more than a game.



Global stars join FIFA in launching Football Unites the World campaign

FIFA President Gianni Infantino said: “Football brings people together like nothing else and the FIFA World Cup will be a celebration of that unity and passion for the game we love so much.”

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Enrichment area 1 Recent news OFC

GFP with pages having hero simple image
This grouped featured pages to check whether the pages linked captured correct image using as preview image or not, The behaviour should be: hero image should be always used for preview, unless preview image is added.
About FIFA

About FIFA page without preview image nor Hero asset in template, it should show image as hero simple asset to be preview instead.

All Videos

This archive page doesn't have hero field, so there is a preview image added

Remembering Pelé: 1940-2022

Obituary page using frontpage template and hero simple preview image Remembering Pelé: 1940-2022

Women’s Football Strategy

Although women’s football has grown exponentially at all levels in recent times, the passion for and potential of the sport offers vast untapped opportunities. The launch of the FIFA Women’s Football Strategy charts the course for how FIFA will work ...

Football Technology
Football Technologies & Innovations at the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™
Semi-automated offside technology

Semi-automated offside technology

Video Assistant Referee (VAR)

This GIT only have hero asset image

FIFA Player App

This GIT only have hero asset image

Football Data Ecosystem

This landing template with hero asset image on;y

Goal-line technology

This landing template having hero asset video player

Lee livestream

This integration template having hero video

Hero split view in Refereeing

This frontpage template having split view hero with 2 video heroes


Save the Planet

Page with landing template using Hero video and no preview image


Page using landing template and having only hero asset - Safeguard our children and end global hunger.


Article page without preview image - Find out how we are maximising the tournament’s contribution to people and the environment.

Media release - English title Anh test

Media release page without preview image - only hero asset

Education transforms lives and is everyone's right, from early childhood to adulthood

Page with hero split view - without preview or hero asset image


This page having hero asset as video and should capture the video thumbnail showing in featured pages or GFP


Page with hero simple and image - no preview image . Find out how we are implementing a programme to reduce and offset greenhouse gas emissions associated with the FIFA World Cup 2022.

FIFA Threat Matrix Report

This is a frontpage template contained Stat highlights in some of the components supported it

Bring the Moves

This page have hero simple with video background


GIT without preview image

Football Unites the World

A global movement to inspire, unite and develop through football.

EN > Page Entry Hero Title

PHDK Page reference title